It is generally assumed that doctors are an absolutely indispensable part of our lives. Most citizens of the United States feel that, without health insurance and access to very expensive medical services, they are in a very vulnerable position.
It may come as a suprise to you, then, that without any medical attention, about 85% of illnesses will resolve themselves just fine. The founding fathers of medicine believed correctly hundreds of years ago that the human body heals itself, and that the sick person benefits greatly from rest and simple protection from the source of injury.
It may also come as a suprise that most of what doctors actually do accomplish is very simple. For example if the patient is infected, an antibiotic is administered. Seldom is anything even done to to determine exactly what the infection consists of! Chances are whatever it is, an antibiotic will take care of it anyway.
If a patient is experincing pain, there is a panoply of pain relievers of varying strength to prescribe. Once pain is alleviated, chances are simple rest will make better whatever has caused it. The patient gives the doctor credit for making him or her feel better.
It is also amazing what a variety of human discomforts are caused by allergic reactions, which are blocked by simple antihistamines. For example rashes, sore throats, watering eyes, sneezing, coughing, congestion, itching, swelling, etc., can all be caused by the human body naturally reacting to foreign substances (allergens), which may come from contact, ingestion, bacteria, viruses, and so on. All the doctor has to do in a case such as this is prescribe a common antihistamine, and the patient will feel much better (and probably credit the doctor with a cure). This only relieves symptoms, but sometimes that is all that's required.
These examples illustrate the fact that a great deal of modern medical care is performed by the simple prescription of a few key drugs. Patients could easily choose the correct drugs for themselves with some key information and printed guidance; but, the medical profession is happy to wrap itself in a mystique of subtle expertise and white lab coats. And why not - it is extrememly profitable for them to monopolize the supply of drugs (only they can prescribe them). Federal law makes it impossible to be self-reliant with life-saving drugs, no matter how much you need them or how poor you are.
And, there's more. Broken bones heal when they are simply placed back in correct position and allowed to rest. This is a simple mechanical adjustment almost anyone could do with access to pain relievers and checking the results with x-ray machines. But, only doctors allow themselves to have such pain relievers or x-ray machines. Also, most wounds are repaired by just sewing them back together - something the American pioneers did not hesitate to do for themselves - made easier again by simple anesthetics you are not permitted by the medical profession to have.
It is good that there are experienced medical professionals, and there is certainly a place for them. But, most practical medicine is not the fabulously complicated technical matter the medical profession would like you to believe it is. Most practical medicine you could probably administer effectively for yourself, or relatively cheaply by adequately trained persons who were not part of an elite monopoly. Access to basic effective medications would make most of this possible by itself. Patient, you truly could heal thyself.
(It is because of the power of the medical monopolies and lobbies that the following disclaimer must be added; This is not medical advice. Consult your physician. All of the above is opinion, satire, and entertainment only. Etc. etc..)
This page last updated 31 August, 1998.
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